
Fundraising for Haiti & HOW YOU can PARTNER W/ US!

Washing up w/ the men Peko & Nano
Shirley & Carla putting together a delicious salad
Lilian pulling out clothes to sell to raise funds

For months, the team has been using different strategies to fundraise for our trip to Haiti. Every Sunday, from here on out, the team will be offering fresh cooked food for sale after Sunday service for lunch. In addition to that, some of the girls are collecting & selling 2nd-hand clothes. The pastor's wife donated some name brand perfume, which some of the girls are selling as well. The team is also selling Haiti T-shirts to help support the cause. Everyone is pitching in & the effort is paying off. We do have a ways to go yet, & need your prayers & donations (those who can).

If you'd like to donate to the Bolivia missions trip to Haiti, you can get tax credit for your donation by sending it to Patty & my's church in the state. You can do it the old-fashioned way by making a check out to:

'Mt. Paran Church of God'

and send it to the following address:

c/o Mt. Paran Church of God
2055 Mt. Paran Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30327

Or you can now give online by going to:


1) Click on the 'GIVE' option at the top of the Home page of the church
2) Choose the 'Contribution method,' you wish to give by (either electronic check or credit card) 
3) Select the box #8 "Designated World Missions" & type in the amount
4) Write in "Bolivia Missions" in the space where it says, 'specify missionary name'
5) Fill in your personal info. as prompted

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