
2010 TEAM to HAITI!

Alright, so this is our 2010 team to HAITI!!!! We're going to be traveling to Haiti the 23rd of October until the 2nd of November. We'll be ministering w/ YWAM Por-au-prince there in churches, refugee/tent camps, schools & neighborhoods.

This year we're privileged to have members from 4 different local churches here in Santa Cruz, Bolivia that will be traveling together w/ members from our church, Aposento Alto.

We've all heard about the earthquake that devastated the entire nation a killed close to 200,000 people in a single day. The photos are almost too much to imagine & Haiti is currently right in the middle of hurricane season. God is good though, and sovereign; the global church has responded remarkably since the tragedy & we believe He wants to turn this tragedy into a new beginning for this nation that's suffered terribly since it's inception. Dictators, military coups, natural disasters, deforestation, corruption, high crime rates - Haiti has been through it all & is famous for being the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere.
We want to help them turn the page & hit the 'RESET' button as a nation. Christ has to be the center & while the enemy has 'robbed, killed & destroyed,' for far too long in Haiti, the Lord wants to give this nation of 9 million people LiFE & LiFE in ABuNDaNCe. Help pray for us that the Lord would lead & guide how to best use us for His glory.

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