
Sharing w/ our friends @ KAIROS church

Our last Sunday before we left was spent sharing at 2 churches, Kairos Church & the University Church at the Universidad Evangelica de Bolivia (UEB). Patty (pictured above sharing her testimony at Kairos), Larry, Edwin, Yuly & Issett went to Kairos to encourage the church to become more actively involved in missions & ask them for their prayers & support of our team from Kairos.  The rest of the team went w/ Pastor Dillmar to share at the University Church, where Jorge from our team attends. Both visits were a blessing. We were prayed over at both churches & many people gave T-shirts & offerings in support of the team. As we'd mentioned before, God had really put it on our hearts to visit as many local churches as possible, not just to drum up support for the trip, but to encourage other churches to 'Go!' & share our testimony that even smaller, Bolivian churches like Aposento can help fulfill the Great Commission by taking steps in faith, using what they have, being creative w/ fundraisers & trusting God to do what's beyond our capabilites/possibilities. 

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